Cities steeped in history, cultivating the arts and sciences, Kanazawa and Nancy have many things in common. Twinned since 1973, they began to weave their bonds of friendship through academic and artistic exchanges, then quickly these exchanges extended to many other fields. In 2018, the two cities celebrated the 45th anniversary of their twinning, while participating in the celebrations of the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and Japan.
In April 1971, Mr. Adolphe SCHNEIDER, Insurer in Nancy and specialist in Judo and Martial Arts, came, during a stay he made in Japan, to ask, on behalf of the Municipality of Nancy, to Mr. Alexis DOLLANDER, Professor at the University of Nancy I, Director of the Franco-Japanese House, President of the Association of the French in Japan, to kindly take the necessary steps to set up a twinning between Nancy and a Japanese city.
This twinning was strongly desired, not only by the Municipality of Nancy, but also by two companies of which Mr. SCHNEIDER was a member: the Nancy Judo-Club and the Franco-Japanese Association of Nancy.
Among the twinning actions:
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